Decorative Grass

[Fiyat sorunuz]
Adet indirimlerimiz:
Miktar Fiyat
100+ $000
300+ $000
900+ $000


About Wallgrass

Wallgrass produces vertical grass coatings and panels for the ever-increasing natural appearance and aesthetic needs of humanity.

Wallgrass provides an appearance that is the closest to the natural, very quick and as being long-life, particularly in garden walls, in private living areas, in parks, at roadsides and many more areas.

Wallgrass has achieved to be one of the most innovative landscape products of the world with its high-quality grass fence panels produced in its manufacturing plant. Wallgrass that achieved to be the most preferred brand in many countries that it is available, has been creating its own dealer's network day by day across the world.

Wallgrass has international certificates and can be used for many years without any maintenance.