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Metal tubes with over braid are insistently inquired in conditions with high pressure, high heat or in corrosive environments that have an abrasive effect on the soft pipes. In such cases hose do bridge over great temperature differences and avoid dilatation. They also absorb vibrations and acoustic noise in the system. Due to their single or multi layer braid armoring the pressure tightness of the hose increases enormously. Braiding additionally protects the hose from mechanical and chemical attacks of the surrounding. Because of these specific peculiarities, braided metal hoses are adopted in fields of applications such as technical gases, hydraulic & pneumatic medium, vacuum techniques, air-conditioning and heat techniques, hot steam conveyance, solar techniques hoses are more and more used in the food and beverage industry because of their hygienic features. Due to the hygienic properties of the metal hose becoming also increasingly involved in the food industry, used in the production systems of liquid and solid foods. We already have several country-specific approvals and certifications for various applications such as in gas, drinking water installations, etc. and the necessity of our customers and the country-specific markets get new certificates for our metal tubing constantly.

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